
Holly Revell

Wednesday 18 September 2019 to Saturday 21 September 2019
Project Arts Centre - Cube, Dublin
Preview: 18 September, 18:30, €11
Performances: 19-21 September, 18:30, €16 / €14 conc.
Other performances: 21 September, 13:15
Duration: 70 mins

You’re invited to a dinner party we’d never be invited to. Sit down, shut up and come overhear the conversations of four proud working class Irish folk as they discuss the middle classes, privilege and the bright lights of Lidl. This is a show for any of you who think Ireland doesn’t have a class system and for those of you who are woke enough to know better. 

Spoiler: we’ll be reaching beyond the sob story clichés you’ve come to expect of us.

The performance on Friday 20th will be followed by a post-show discussion lead by Emmet Kirwan and Louise White.


Commissioned by Dublin Fringe Festival and developed at FRINGE LAB in partnership with British Council Ireland. Made with support from the Spirit of Fringe/Spirit of Project Arts Centre Award.

About Scottee

Scottee is a artist and writer, working across theatre, fine art and installation with no formal education. His work is not easily definable. It is brash, political and will often purposefully leave you a bit annoyed, overwhelmed but never impartial.

In 2010, he won the title of Time Out Performer of the Year. Since then he has been creating provocative work for audiences across UK, Europe, Australia, Japan and the US. In 2016 he was included on Independent's Rainbow List as one of Britain's most influential LGBTQI+ people.

Scottee is co-host on BBC Radio 4’s Loose Ends. His debut radio documentary My Big Fat Documentary was made BBC Radio 4’s Documentary of the Week. Scottee has since appeared on Front Row, BBC Radio 3’s The Verb & Free Thinking. In 2018 he made a short documentary for BBC Three on street abuse titled Fat & Fabulous and The Gamble for BBC Radio 4 on autobiographical art.

In 2018, British Council supported a Scottee mentorship programme and public workshop with some brilliant artists at Fringe Lab, as well as his critically acclaimed show, 'Fat Blokes' at Dublin Fringe Festival.